Intimate life is an important component of every man's full life. Therefore, everyone takes care of the state of potency and sexual functions, and in case of any disturbances and disturbances, they look for the reasons for it.
In this article, you can find out what affects potency negatively or positively in order to prevent sexual dysfunctions in advance.

What does the term "potency" in a man mean?
Before examining the questions of what affects male potency, it is worth considering in detail the term "potency" itself. In general, potency is a person's ability to perform any action. In an intimate matter, potency is an indicator of how much a man can have sex with the opposite sex.
Power includes several indicators:
- libido, that is, sexual attraction to women;
- an erection, that is, the ability of a man to be aroused by increasing the size and strength of the phallus;
- the ability to have sex is enough over time;
- a man's ability to satisfy his partner.
For reference!Potency is a generic term for all sexual functions and health in a man. If any function of the reproductive system suffers, potency decreases accordingly. This relationship also works in the opposite direction, that is, with diminished sexual potential, a man's listed abilities suffer.
erection skill
An erection is a process directly dependent on the state of potency, which is expressed in a man's sexual arousal and the increase in the size of the penis, its hardening. Only in this position will the organ be able to perform frictions, ejaculate for procreation. In simple terms, an erection is a physiological process and potency is a general condition.

There are three types of erection:
- Reflex erection - occurs if there is impact and stimulation of the penis, which sends impulses to the spinal cord, triggering an erection state.
- Psychogenic Erection - In the context of mental imagery, fantasies, visual and auditory stimulation, a man can achieve an erection and become aroused.
- Spontaneous erection - occurs both in the morning and at night without prerequisites and arousal, considered a characteristic of the male body.
The terms "erection" and "potency" are closely related, as if there is erectile dysfunction, the level of potency decreases. With complete erectile dysfunction, the doctor diagnoses impotence. Consequently, what negatively affects potency will affect erection quality as well.
Another concept closely linked to potency and considered its component is libido. The term libido must be understood as a special state of the unconscious man, caused by sexual attraction to the opposite sex. Libido is a separate process, but sweating is impossible without it.
The difference between the two concepts is that libido is the initial condition for sexual intercourse, implying the body's desire and readiness (instinct) for it, and potency is the subsequent capacity to have sexual intercourse. If there is a low libido, the man will not be able to achieve an erection and without it there is no real potency.
duration of sexual intercourse
Another indicator of healthy potency is the duration of sex available to a man. This complex system of all sexual functions (potency) directly affects how long a man withstands friction until the onset of ejaculation. With a negative impact on potency, there can be two problems - inability to reach orgasm in a timely manner and premature ejaculation (short intercourse).
The medical certificate says that the normal duration of sex, from the time of friction until orgasm, is 3-5 minutes. If a man can't take a minute, they talk about potency problems. The same can be said, if intercourse lasts longer than 20-40 minutes, there may be deviations that prevent premature ejaculation.
The ability to satisfy a woman
Only under the condition of healthy potency, a man is not only able to have sex, but also high quality sex that can satisfy his partner. Several indicators are responsible for its satisfaction:

- strong and stable erection;
- sufficient sexual excitement;
- the strength of a man;
- normal duration of sexual intercourse.
Consequently, if negative factors systematically affect potency, over time men will be unable to fully satisfy their partner.
Factors that negatively affect potency
The benefits and harms of each factor that negatively affects potency must be known by all men in order to prevent sexual dysfunction in a timely manner. It is especially important to know the negative factors to protect yourself from their influence. The medical certificate describes the following prerequisites for impotence:
- Genitourinary System Diseases -any diseases of the prostate of an acute or chronic nature, diseases of the testicles, urethra, as well as sexually transmitted infections, inhibit the potency and all sexual functions of a man.
- Endocrine Pathologies -the hormone testosterone is responsible for sexual activity and potency, and any hormonal disturbances, pathologies of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus inhibit the production of testosterone. Diabetes mellitus is also an endocrine disease, so the question of whether sugar affects potency can be unequivocally answered.
- Overweight -the appearance of fat deposits negatively affects potency, especially if we consider the abdominal region. A high level of lipids suppresses testosterone production, increasing the female hormone estrogen. In addition, weight negatively affects the condition of blood vessels, disrupting blood circulation, and this leads to deterioration in the quality of the erection.
- Low mobility or excessive physical activity -the development of diseases of the reproductive system is promoted by frequent sitting and poor mobility. And excessive exercise absorbs most of the body's testosterone, affecting sexual health.
- Taking drugs from certain groups -medicine has established the negative effect of sedatives (antidepressants, tranquilizers), glucocorticoids and other hormonal agents, beta-blockers, diuretics, sedatives and psychotropic drugs. Especially if a man does not comply with the dosage and therapy regimens, he voluntarily takes such hard drugs.
- Taking Anabolic Steroid Steroids by Athletes -Many bodybuilders take supplements of this formulation to build muscle quickly and heavily. Although steroids are sources of testosterone, after the withdrawal of supplements, the body, due to habituation, ceases to produce the necessary amount of the natural hormone. Many low-quality supplements contain soy, which is a phytoestrogen that suppresses testosterone.
- Psychological Disorders -any stress, conflict situations, an unfavorable climate in relationships with the partner, complexes, self-doubts, depression, nervous tension, insomnia and chronic fatigue can negatively affect potency.
- Alcoholic beverages -alcohol destroys the structure and functionality of the liver and there is a direct connection between it and the reproductive system. Liver dysfunction reduces the body's production of testosterone. Furthermore, alcohol interferes with the functioning of the heart and the vascular system and, after all, an erection depends directly on the blood circulation and the state of the vessels (the influence of energy drinks is also taken into account). Alcohol decreases the conductivity of nerve receptors and impulses, affects the spinal center.
- Tobacco -the effect of nicotine mainly concerns the state of the cardiovascular system, since tar and nicotine cause excessive vasoconstriction, decreased blood flow, which means erectile problems. Electronic cigarettes are also harmful, although to a lesser degree. Menthol has a similar effect, cigarettes with menthol are also banned.
- Drugs -many are aware of the effects of marijuana and other harder drugs, which primarily affect the spinal cord. The most common consequences are weak and unstable erections, premature ejaculation, liver disease (usually hepatitis C) and low testosterone levels.
- Masturbation -if you continually engage in self-fulfillment, it can disrupt the reproductive system.

Factors that can increase potency
You can increase potency with the help of some medications, physiotherapy, unconventional and alternative methods. What is useful for potency:

- food- Men need to know which foods increase their sexual potential in order to properly formulate their diet. These are any products that contain carotene (vitamin A) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). These are any sour fruits and berries, onions and garlic, herbs, carrots, cabbage, rose hips, green salad. Also, the genitals need zinc, which is rich in seafood. Protein is involved in the production of testosterone, ie chicken meat, dairy products, eggs, lean meat. Vitamin E is needed by the reproductive system; vegetable oils and nuts, dark chocolate are rich in them.
- Physical activity- loads must be reasonable, running, walking, morning exercises, gymnastics, yoga are helpful. The long-term session should be diluted with warm-ups.
- daily regimen- in addition to a fruitful working day, man needs a good rest. Sleep should be 8 hours or more as testosterone is produced at this time.
- cold and hot bath- watering with cold water improves blood circulation, increases immune strength.
- psycho-emotional balance- calm, balance, resistance to stress, avoidance of stress and conflict also protect the sexual functions from disturbance.
There are many medications that directly or indirectly affect a man's sexual function. And if some help to strengthen the erection, increase libido, increase fertility, others reduce potency with their side effects.
reducing power
A variety of potent drugs can affect sexual functions as libido and erection are directly dependent on the body's hormonal, cardiovascular, nervous and other systems. The list of drugs that reduce potency includes:
- Bromine drugs such as sedatives and sedatives. This component initially increases inhibition in the brain to correctly correlate arousal and inhibition. An excess of bromine impairs the functioning of the central nervous system, which slows down and weakens the processes of sexual arousal.
- Medicines to lower blood pressure. For example, its effect has been proven not only on pressure but also on erection quality. Its action is aimed at decreasing blood flow, which, in case of overdose and excessive use, harms the erection.
- Hormonal drugs like anabolic steroids and steroids in bodybuilders like creatine. On the question of whether protein affects potency, the answer may be different. If athletes are supplemented with steroids then only negatively, if the natural protein is protein then positively.
- Antidepressants, which not only reduce reactions to pathogens and negative factors, but also reduce libido.
increasing power
It is also possible to increase potency through medication, as long as only the doctor prescribes the medication after examining the patient. Potency stimulants include the following groups of backgrounds:
- hormonal - with a pronounced deficiency of testosterone, accompanied by sexual dysfunctions, testosterone-containing drugs are used;
- adrenergic blockers - eliminates problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves blood flow;
- antispasmodics - eliminate spasms that interfere with the normal functioning of the whole body and genitals;
- PDE-5 inhibitors - trigger the release of nitric oxide, relax penile tissues to increase blood circulation in the organ;
- herbal stimulants - stabilize erectile function beneficially affecting the entire body in a complex way;
- Dietary supplements and vitamin supplements - replenish the body's reserves of necessary resources, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
Foods that affect potency
A person is what he eats. Therefore, a lot depends on the power and functioning of the reproductive device. Medicine has long identified a list of products that increase potency and those that can cause a decrease.
positively influencing
A lot of vitamins, micro and macro elements, minerals and other substances are responsible for libido, erection and potency. But the main ones are group B, A, E, C, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, etc.

Consequently, to increase sexual activity, a man needs to:
- vegetable oils and nuts- sources of vitamin E, which cleanses blood vessels, improves sperm quality;
- Seafood- sources of vitamins, zinc and proteins necessary for normal testosterone production;
- eggs- a source of proteins, fatty acids and vitamins, a building material for the synthesis of hormones;
- lean meat- foods containing proteins necessary for muscle growth and normal levels of hormones;
- onion and garlic- bitterness and spices in the composition accelerate blood flow, increase testosterone production and prevent prostate disease;
- Honey- has a complex effect on the whole body, boosts immunity, saturates the body with useful resources;
- grape- red berries increase sperm production and fertility;
- chocolate- the only positive answer to the question whether sweets affect potency in a good way, since chocolate promotes the production of serotonin (the pleasure hormone);
- Grenade- cleans the blood, increases immunity, improves the functioning of the entire organism;
- celery- a source of vitamin C, which strengthens the vascular wall, removes toxins, prevents prostatitis;
- cabbage- fiber stimulates additional testosterone production;
- Strawberry- a source of zinc, necessary for the production of hormones.
Harmful products
There are also many products that have a negative effect on potency. For example, the effect of mint in combination with green tea is known, and if consumed continuously, you can decrease potency.
This also includes:
- sugar- you can understand if sweets affect potency if you know that sugar increases insulin and decreases the concentration of testosterone in the body;
- salt- in excess, increases blood pressure, removes fluids, loads the heart muscle, reduces testosterone synthesis;
- coffee, strong tea, cocoa, chocolate, mate- The excess caffeine in the composition dilates blood vessels, worsens blood flow to the testicles, reduces testosterone levels;
- soda- these drinks contain a lot of sugar, preservatives and acids, which have an excessive diuretic effect, interrupting the distribution of testosterone throughout the body;
- alcohol- alcohol leads to the transformation of testosterone into female hormones;
- smoked meats- contain volatile carcinogens that, in the worst case, can cause toxic damage to testicular tissue;
- baked goods and muffins- high calorie content leads to excess weight, increased insulin, which means decreased potency;
- fast food- contains trans fats, preservatives, cholesterol, which contributes to rapid weight gain and reduction of sex hormones.
By knowing which factors have a negative impact on sexual function, you can prevent sexual impotence in a timely manner. By knowing which factors increase potency, you can quickly improve the state of the genitourinary system at the first alarming symptoms. By knowing which foods are detrimental to potency and which are helpful, you can competently compose a diet.